These are a few of our favorite things!
It's that wonderful time of year again, time to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family. As you may know, mode is located in midtown, Oklahoma City. We specialize in selling women's clothing, shoes and accessories. During the holiday season, we stock up on large numbers of unique and thoughtful gift items. We've picked a few of our favorite things to share, there are also many more items to choose from than what you're about to see. Whether it is for loved ones, co-workers, stocking stuffers, or secret Santa parties, we've got you covered. You know it's a good gift if it's one you want to keep for yourself! It's important to put thought into these gifts to show the people who are always there for us throughout the year just how special they are! From our tilt intial letter necklaces to our nourishing face masks, there’s something for every personality type! You might just find yourself wanting to grab an extra for yourself!
1. adult lunch bag $17
Say goodbye to the old brown paper bags for your lunch and say hello to these reusable/washable and quite fashionable lunch pails!
Just like the Taylor Swift lyrics, “I want to wear his initial... because he really knows me,” this delicate letter necklace can be for your significant other's initials, it can be your own initials, your kiddo's, or your fur child's!

We all have so many things to be grateful for this holiday season and this five minute journal is a great way to take time to slow down and reflect on all that we have been blessed with.

5. that Oklahoma love
Our fellow Oklahoman's share the love for this wonderful state. I'm positive there is someone in your life who would enjoy these items that show some state pride, this is definitely an option for the guys, too!
Okie ornament $16, set of 4 plastic (not paper) plates $22, napkins $5

6. paddywax soy candles $13
We’re huge fans of these candles, not only for the amazing scents, but the adorable and simple packaging. They're available in three different scents: rose + santal, violet + vanilla and pepper + oak. You certainty can’t go wrong with a delicious scent to fill a home. There are two sizes: 3 oz (pictured) and 7oz that comes in a cute box, $25.

7. Sphynx Portable Razors $15
Perfect for the girl on the move! This 3 in 1 portable razor comes in handy when you are traveling, plus it comes in 4 fun colors! The 3 in 1 includes spray water, shaving soap, and a razor, how convenient! Don't you want this in your stocking on Christmas morning?

8. cardboard coasters $6
This is the gift for the girl who loves to host gatherings at her house! You can never have too many coasters. We're loving this cardboard trend. The set on the left says, "pour more, amore"
The holiday season screams glitter and sparkle and there's at least one girl you know that needs a good makeup bag. This one happens to be the perfect travel size, available in 4 colors!

11. cute coffee mug $14
We have a huge selection of mugs during the holiday season, however these personalized ones for mom and dad are a couple of our faves. Show mom or pop some love this Christmas with their very own mug!
What are you picking up for your loved ones this year?
Let us know in the comments!
XO, mode girls
1 comment
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So many good gift items to choose from this year!! Great gifts for family and myself. :))